Saturday, February 18, 2012

Going solo

hello world. I have decided to start this blog to document my "trip of a lifetime" to South America. Not sure about the frequency of the updates but I will try to update as and when i am free. Will not be bringing my laptop (too heavy) and will predominantly rely on the iphone for quick updates, mainly for my personal recollection of the trip since I have a memory of a goldfish (!) and yes, i am getting old too.

I recently left my job so that I can pursue this "time alone" to do some thinking about what it is that I want in life. I realized that the rat-race was getting to me and the mundane 9-6pm routine just didn't cut it anymore for me. I threw in the towel (despite many people telling me that i am mad!) and despite it all, i have to follow my gut-feel. I was unhappy at work, not fulfilled in anyway, sure i earned a decent living but is life only about work (?).  I am not about to waste another ten years of my life in front of the PC crunching numbers (!). 

The desire to travel is a very natural thing for me. I have this constant need to explore (god knows why i have a desk-bound job!). To me, leaving everything behind to see a part of the world that is foreign to you is both scary and exciting at the same time. Taking off to travel solo builds self-confidence which is something everybody needs in huge doses, especially in a world that is constantly beating us down. 

So here's to new adventures in 2012. Bring it ON!